The Boulders @ Somersett
8. V? There might be something
21. ***V5 A tricky technical
arete with small hold. Great fun
and sustained if you go right to
the grey knob at the top.
21a. **V3 Work out right to slab.
10. *V3 or **V1 A hard crimpy Sit
start or a warm up one hold higher.
If you eliminate the left arete on the
sit start the problem is a bit more
16. VB Warm up Arete
19. **!V4R Warrior SDS on the face. The low start and rocks make this
problem impossible to pad well.
22. **V5 This area is great for an outdoor workout circuit and this is one of the
reasons why. A good rail traverse that gets harder as you go.
23. **V3 Bellafrance start on the right side of a slopey rail work up then left.
Good fun. Watch you chin.
23a ***V5 Olga Traverse the slopey rail to the crimps end up the left arete. A
bit contrived, but great movement.
24. *V1 Crimpy slab with no feet
27. Vhard Bulging arete. Technical and
35. V2 arete, harder then it looks
36. V1 Crunchy key hold not long for this
37. Vhard?
D's Lunge
1. **V3 low start one the arete and
work you way right to the great side
pull the jugs on top are off.
2. V1 Confounding slab. Start left
work up and right. Too short.
3. *V0 Slab with a high start.
4. *V1 Another short slab
5. V4 Back in the Saddle high start
on sidepull out left and up the bulge.
A lot of scraps and work.
6. **V2 near SDS face meant to be
6a. *!V4 work out left over the rock
7. *V5/6 D's Lunge Start on a crimp
or 2 on the right side of the boulder
get some awkward feet and one hard
move up and scrap your way over.
7a. V1 High bear hug start.
Last I heard this
area is under
construction and
closed to climbing.